Montag, 1. Juni 2009

orange banana jam

At a shopping trip years ago I found this little café "Afternoon Tea" right in the heart of Tokyo. They sold this cute little jams and I bought the banana&orange jam. I liked the combination of sweet sour orange and bananas. When the jam was gone I made it by my own and I must confess the recipe is so easy.

700 g oranges
300 g not too ripe bananas
2 tablespoon Grand Manier
1 tablespoon orange zests
500 g jam sugar

Press out the oranges. Cut the bananas in little pieces. Give bananas and orange juice in a large jar and boil it for about 3 minutes. Put the jam in sterilised glasses, close the lid and let it stand for 5 minutes on the lid. Then turn in down and let it cool.

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